Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
7.0 A ction I tems , cont ’ d
Action Items
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035
3.19 Initiate Process to Change the Name of Existing Triangle Parkway to Southport Drive Extension (or other suitable name). There is an existing small road named Triangle Parkway located off NC 54, connecting to International Drive. In order to avoid confusion by residents, visitors, emergency services, and postal workers with the planned Triangle Parkway between NC 540 and NC 147, the name of the existing road should be changed. Plans call for it to connect to Southport Drive, so it could be called Southport Drive Extension.
Related Policies: 5E, 5F Estimated Cost: 10 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with Public Safety departments, NCDOT and the U.S. Postal Service
Year One Goals/Activities : Notify business owners along the existing Triangle Parkway and any vacant land owners of the proposed change. Follow the accepted process to change the name through NCDOT and the U.S. Postal Service. Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Complete name change as soon as practical, ideally before new Triangle Parkway is constructed
3.20 Conduct Engineering Design Study for Church Street Improvements. Church Street faces a number of complexities, such as a narrow and unclear right-of-way through the Town Center, a planned roundabout, and road realignment at the northern end. A full engineering study should be conducted to resolve some of these complications and create a specific plan so that improvements can move forward.
Related Policies: 2D, 3A-G Estimated Cost: $50,000 consulting fee + 60 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning and Engineering Departments
Year One Goals/Activities : Prepare RFP and scoping language; advertise; and retain consultant. Conduct study and identify any specific actions that the Town needs to take in order to proceed with making the planned improvements to Church Street. Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Complete study and make progress on securing right-of-way and funding to make improvements
3.21 Study and Coordinate NC 54 Improvements. The Major Thoroughfare through Morrisville. Addressing traffic congestion on NC 54 is critical to the function of the overall transportation network, but it is important to maintain a small-town feel, especially in the Town Center area. Long-term cross-sections have been identified for NC 54 and are illustrated on pages E-15 and E-16 in the Transportation Plan appendices. Following are short-, medium- and long- term actions necessary to achieve the proposed improvements.
Related Policies : 3A-F Estimated Cost: 350 hours staff time + 100 hours staff time annually + $150,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning and Engineering Departments
Year One Goals/Activities: Continue requesting 124’ right-of-way dedication from developers along NC 54 and requiring developers to build laneage on their side along frontage (to equal their half of 4-lane cross-section); begin planned intersection improvements at NC 54 and Aviation Parkway/Morrisville-Carpenter Road; continue pursuing state funds for improvements including grade separations; Initiate NC 54 Corridor Study - Phase 1 Phasing Study (to provide instructions for staff and developers for improving the roadway along frontage properties; provide a more detailed plan for how and when improvements should be made in different segments to provide the most benefit to the town with the least interruption of capacity). Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Complete planned improvements at NC 54 and Aviation Parkway/ Morrisville-Carpenter Road; consider improvements to other intersections along NC 54 to improve flow after widening of Davis Drive has been completed; work to get project listed on the MTIP and STIP; maintain and update maps tracking the amount of right-of-way the town controls along NC 54 and set target dates for acquiring sufficient right-of-way; continue pursuing state funds for improvements including grade separations; continue requesting 124’ right-of-way dedication from developers along NC 54 and requiring developers to build laneage on their side along frontage (to equal their half of 4-lane cross-section); Complete NC 54 Corridor Study - Phase 1 (described above) and Phase 2 Preliminary Design; Evaluate whether to proceed with NC 54 Corridor Study - Phase 3 Functional Design and NEPA (an additional $150,000 consultant fee). Year 6-25 Goals/Activities: Work with NCDOT and Town of Cary to plan and conduct improvements to NC 54 as quickly as feasible, including additional intersection improvements, widening as funds and right-of-way are acquired, and construction of grade separations as funding is available. Performance Measures: Complete initial design for improvements and make progress on securing right-of-way and funding to make improvements.
7 Action Items
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