Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
7.0 A ction I tems , cont ’ d
Action Items 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035 Goal 4: Provide community services and public infrastructure to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Town citizens of today; the elderly that have
enriched our past, and future generations. Additional related items: 2.1 and 3.13
4.1 Update Telecommunications Tower Ordinance. Revise language in zoning ordinance regarding cell towers and other telecommunications facilities to allow for this infrastructure while ensuring community safety, appearance, and appropriate location.
Related Policies: 2A Estimated Cost: 40 hours of staff time + $2,500 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Project is currently underway Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Adopt revised ordinance by the end of 2009
4.2 Create Tree Preservation Ordinance. To protect and conserve trees during development, maintain a rural atmosphere, and limit the heat island effect of urban development patterns. Related Policies: 2A Estimated Cost: 120 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department Year One Goals/Activities : Complete the tree conservation ordinance study already underway, with the assistance of the working group; adopt new ordinance Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Implement policy, and educate development community on specifics Performance Measures: Adoption of tree conservation ordinance by end of 2009
4.3 Create Enhanced Infrastructure Tracking System. Develop system to better track infrastructure needs and planned improvements. Include component on infrastructure impacts of proposed development projects.
Related Policies: 3A, 3G, 4A-E, 5A-F Estimated Cost: 200 hours of staff time + $20,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Advertise and hire consultant; outline the needs of the town. Prepare a document for presentation to the Town Council summarizing the system that the Town currently uses to determine infrastructure requirements and how that system would work with the addition of an Enhanced Data Tracking System. Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Complete new system design, test and implement
Performance Measures: New system in place in 2011 4.4 Perform a Lifecycle Housing Analysis. This analysis would determine the current affordable housing stock in Morrisville, compare the wages of Morrisville jobs to the cost of living in Morrisville, analyze the affordable housing need and lifecycle housing need in the town, and create an action plan for addressing this need. Consider universal design standards to accommodate the aging population.
Related Policies: 2E Estimated Cost: 240 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department and Human Resources Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Complete housing inventory and assessment, prepare report Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Create/adopt action plan for improving housing options, as determined by the study Performance Measures: (1) Completion of affordable housing analysis, report, and action items in 2012; (2) implement thereafter
4.5 Create Stormwater Utility. Evaluate the establishment of a stormwater utility to offset the associated costs of complying with the Town’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Phase II Permit and constructing the necessary stormwater improvements.
Related Policies: 1F, 2B, 4B, 4C Estimated Cost: 300 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Engineering Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Identify costs for needed improvements required by NPDES Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Evaluate overall feasibility of establishing a stormwater utility to recover costs; implement the utility if determined feasible Performance Measures: Reach a determination on establishing the utility and implement if applicable in 2010
7 Action Items
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