Morrisville Town Center Plan - 2007
Appendix 2
12. Weston Edwards House
218 Church Street
Photo by Ernest Dollar
Civil War veteran Weston H. Edwards purchased this lot in 1891 and built a house soon afterward. The Edwards house is one of several on this farm, but is distinguished by its front cross-gable. The sawn work spandrels and paired posts were reproduced based on the Page-Hamilton House, and are likely similar to the work which originally adorned the house. Morrisville’s location on the railroad gave homebuilders access to goods, including pre-made decorative woodwork, that frequently appears on many early homes. No other towns in Wake County have these features in the same volume as seen here. These embellishments were likely produced by Page and Ellington, who were lumber dealers, builders, and operators of a sash and blind factory near Cary during the 1870s. 15
68 │ Town Center Plan
January 2007
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