Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - July 2016
Part 4 Appendices 4.1 Town Documents Related to Land Development
Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The 2011 Parks and Recreation Master Plan updates the 2006 Parks, Recreation, Greenways and Open Space Comprehensive Master Plan to place greater emphasis in the Town’s greenways system. It serves as a detailed planning guide to: existing community resources; parks, recreation, and open space criteria; and needs for parks, recreation, greenways, and conservation lands. The Plan identifies the locations of existing facilities and opportunities to acquire additional property for future recreation sites. Click on the image to open the Plan.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
The 2015 Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies natural hazards that could affect Morrisville (flooding, hurricanes, tornados/thunderstorms, droughts/heat waves, wildfire, earthquakes, severe winter weather, and dam failures), analyzes the Town’s vulnerability to those hazards, reviews the Town’s capability to deal with these hazards, and assesses community goals, objectives, and policies as they relate to hazard mitigation. Click on the image to open the Plan.
Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Master Plan
The 2013 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Master Plan combines local land use planning strategies with industry-accepted engineering standards to identify low-impact sites for new telecommunication facilities to meet the growing demand for telecommunication service while minimizing impacts of telecommunication facilities on neighborhoods and the community. It includes a policy framework and design standards to guide decisions regarding the siting of telecommunications facilities. Click on the image to open the Plan.
Regulations and Guidelines
Administrative Manual The Administrative Manual, this document, provides developers, design professionals, property owners, and other potential applicants for development approval information and guidance concerning the review procedures for applications called for by the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), as well as for other approvals related to UDO applications or the land development process. The manual is structured to provide an overview of the development process under the UDO and to specific information about particular review procedures and application submittal requirements—including application forms and checklists. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) The 2013 Unified Development Ordinance consolidates the Town’s former Zoning Ordinance, Town Center Code, Subdivision Ordinance, Design and Construction Ordinance, Riparian Buffer Ordinance, Stormwater Management Ordinance, and floodplain regulations into a single unified ordinance with coordinated review procedures and standards and a user-friendly organization and format. The UDO establishes new zoning districts to implement the Land Use Plan’s focus on a hierarchy of mixed-use activity center districts—including a special Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) district around a proposed commuter rail transit station. It also adds open space and tree preservation standards, and modifies access/circulation and parking standards to reflect current best practices. Click on the image to open the UDO.
July 1, 2016
Morrisville, NC
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Administrative Manual
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