Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - July 2016
Part 4 Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Construction Plan Approval for a Site Plan (Major or Minor) Submittal Checklist (use this checklist for concurrent review applications) For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
17 Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 50% of the ground floor and 20% of the upper floors horizontal length requirement for retail goods and service uses. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads Total Horizontal Length of Wall: ______________ lf Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Ground Floor(s): ______________ lf = ____% of Wall Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Upper Floor(s): ______________ lf = ____% of Wall Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 35% of the ground floor and 20% of the upper floors horizontal length requirement for other non-residential uses. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads Total Horizontal Length of Wall: ______________ lf Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Ground Floor(s): ______________ lf = ____% of Wall Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Upper Floor(s): ______________ lf = ____% of Wall Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 60% of the vertical height of the ground floor requirement for retail goods and service uses. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads 20 Add note stating that the ground floor windows for retail goods and service uses comply with one of the following: 1) direct views to the building’s interior, 2) direct views to lit display areas extending a minimum of three feet behind the window, or 3) tinted to provide the appearance of a window. 21 Demonstrate compliance with the clearly defined entryway requirement. 22 Demonstrate that all proposed parapet walls extend around the perimeter of the roofline and include a three-dimensional cornice treatment. 23 Demonstrate that parapets do not exceed 1/3 the height of the supporting wall unless the parapet is in scale with the building and development. 25 Add the following note: Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy, a certification from the manufacturer of correct installation of all EIFS shall be provided to the Town Planning Department. 26 Location and dimensions of proposed dumpster, recycling container, and/or trash compactor(s) 27 General location of future signage Q Stormwater Report 1 Runoff Calculations report for all proposed storm drainage structures including, but not limited to culverts, storm drain systems, inlets, ditches, open channels, BMPs, outlet protection, etc. The report shall be sealed and signed by a registered North Carolina Professional Engineer. 2 Narrative description of Existing Conditions, Natural Resource Inventory, Stormwater Management Plan, calculations (methods, variables, assumptions, etc.) and results. 3 Hardcopy & .xls file of completed Storm-EZ form 4 Maps 18 19 Total Vertical Height of Ground Floor Wall: ______________ lf Total Vertical Height of Windows: ______________ lf = ____% of Wall 24 Add the following notes: Fascia signs require separate approval. Any signs proposed are for illustrative purposes only.
Pre- and Post-Development Drainage Area Maps (on full-size plan sheet) BMP drainage area map (include area of BMP itself) (on full-size plan sheet) Inlet drainage area map (on full-size plan sheet) USGS Quad map (identify site) FIRM map (identify site) Wake County Soil Survey (1970) map (identify site)
July 1, 2016 Page 4-34
Morrisville, NC
Administrative Manual
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