Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.2 Standard Review Procedures
Staff Review and Action
Staff enter comments in Energov for the applicant in accordance to the review schedules in this Manual. The applicant must revise the plans and resubmit within 6 months of receiving written comments or the application is considered withdrawn from the review process. A onetime 30-day extension can be granted. If an application is subject to staff review and a final decision, the applicant will receive a decision (approval, approval with conditions, or denial) on the application.
Things to Know ▪
The Town coordinates the Town of Cary application review. While all applications must be submitted within 6 months of receiving comments, it is strongly recommended to submit revised plans in accordance to the published review schedules.
If an application is subject to a staff recommendation, the Planning Department prepares a written staff report that addresses the application’s compliance.
See Section 2.4.4 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Public Meeting Notice
Public notices are provided in accordance with Table 2.4.5.B.1 in the UDO. Not all applications require a public meeting notice. Depending on the application type, the public notice may be:
Things to Know ▪
An applicant wishing to defer a public comment session or public hearing to a subsequent meeting must come to the noticed meeting and submit a written request for deferral with reasons directly to the board. The board has an option of either granting or denying the request. ▪ The applicant is responsible for providing up-to date and accurate mailing lists and postage. ▪ Anyone wishing to speak at a public meeting must sign-up to speak prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted on the proposed development site;
• Mailed to the owners of properties that abut or are within 500 feet of the proposed development site; and/or
Published in the local newspaper.
See Section 2.4.5 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation
If an application is subject to a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Board following a public comment session, the Board hears the applicant’s presentation and the staff report, then holds a public comment session on the application to hear comments from any other interested person or organization. If an application is subject to Planning and Zoning Board review and a final decision, the applicant will receive a decision on the application. If an application is subject to a Planning and Zoning Board recommendation, the Planning Department will update the staff report to reflect the decision.
Things to Know ▪
The Board may continue the public comment session to a subsequent meeting. [Note: Doing so will extend the review period beyond that shown on the review schedules.] ▪ Before the Planning and Zoning Board takes action on a request, the applicant may request an opportunity to make minor revisions to the application. [Note: Doing so will extend the review period beyond that shown on the review schedules and cost the applicant additional fees.]
See Section 2.4.6 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Morrisville, NC
July 2023 Page 2-2
Administrative Manual
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