Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.1 Introduction
2.1. INTRODUCTION A summary of the development review procedures is located in Table 2.3 of the UDO. This table lists the various types of development review procedures authorized by the UDO and, for each procedure, indicates whether it involves a pre-application conference, the role various Town review authorities play, and when a public comment session or public hearing is required (and the type of hearing). 2.2. STANDARD REVIEW PROCEDURES
Something to Know These standard review procedures apply only to applications authorized by the UDO, and not to applications for a Building Permit or Certificate of Compliance/ Occupancy or any of the other development-related applications addressed in Part 4.
Many steps in the development review procedures are essentially the same no matter what type of application is being reviewed. These are set forth in Section 2.4, Standard Review Procedures, of the UDO and summarized below.
Pre-Application Conference
A pre-application conference provides an opportunity for a prospective applicant and Town staff to: • Review applicable submittal requirements and review steps and schedules;
Things to Know ▪
Discussions at the pre-application conference are not binding on the Town or on the prospective applicant.
Identify the required review fees;
• Discuss the scope, features, and potential impacts of the proposed development;
• Explore opportunities or needs for approval of deviations from UDO standards;
• Identify the need for other related approvals; and
• Identify primary contacts for the applicant and Town staff.
See Section 2.4.2 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Application Submittal and Acceptance
Applications are s ubmitted on the Town’s online portal.
Things to Know ▪
Applications are submitted and reviewed in accordance with the submittal and review schedules in this Manual. A completed application and fee schedule are required. See Part 4 for all applications and fee schedules.
Some applications can be submitted and reviewed concurrently. Application fees are nonrefundable unless an application is withdrawn before the application is accepted for review. If the applicant fails to resubmit an application within 30 days after being first notified of submittal deficiencies, the application submittal is considered abandoned. If a Transportation Impact Analysis is required, it must be submitted with the development application or prior to the development application.
All review fees are required when submitting an application.
On receiving an application, the Town has two business days to determine whether the application is complete. An applicant is notified in writing if the application is deficient or accepted for review.
See Section 2.4.3 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Morrisville, NC
July 2023 Page 2-1
Administrative Manual
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