Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.3 Common Application Procedures

Building Permit

Building Permits are approved and issued by the Building Official in accordance with review procedures and construction standards in the State Building Code. No Building Permit may be issued for a structure unless and until all UDO-required approvals for development associated with the structure have been obtained.

Things to Know ▪

The Town uses the Building Permit approval procedure as a last pre construction check to ensure the structure and associated development comply with the UDO and all other applicable Town regulations and requirements. ▪

An application for a Building Permit must be consistent with any prior Conditional Rezoning, Planned Development Rezoning (PD Plan/Agreement), Conceptual Master Plan Approval, Site Plan Approval, Construction Plan Approval, and Stormwater Management Permit for development containing the structure(s) for which the Building Permit is sought. A Building Permit expires if the work authorized by the permit has not started within six months after its issuance.

See Section 2.5.13 in the UDO for related application procedures.

Inspections during Development

Engineering staff inspects the construction of engineered infrastructure such as stormwater controls, public infrastructure improvements, and engineered private improvements. Planning staff inspects vegetation and landscaping for compliance with plans and specifications associated with applicable buffer, screening, and landscaping standards. It also inspects development for compliance with UDO standards not covered by Engineering inspections such as open space, access and circulation, building organization and design, parking and loading, and exterior lighting. Inspections staff inspects various stages (e.g., footings, framing) and elements (e.g., electrical, mechanical) of structural development. If an inspection indicates a failure to construct or install improvements, landscaping, or building elements in accordance with approved plans and specifications and application regulations, or to control off-site contamination from construction activities and equipment, the Town may issue a Stop Work Order or civil penalty. Such order or penalty remains in effect until the appropriate Town staff has re-inspected the deficiencies and found them corrected.

Things to Know ▪

All inspections require at least 48 hour notice. The contractor is responsible for arranging engineering, planning, and building code related inspections. The Town may issue a Stop Work Order or civil penalty.

Morrisville, NC

July 2023 Page 2-7

Administrative Manual

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