Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.4 Additional Application Procedures
Stormwater Final Inspection and As-Built Plans
When all required stormwater management facilities and practices for a development have been completed, the applicant must submit actual “as - built” plans and calculations for review showing the final “as - constructed” design.
See Section 7.2.3.D in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy
Certificates of Compliance/Occupancy are approved and issued by the Building Official in accordance with review procedures and construction standards in the State Building Code. A Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy is required before a structure being developed under a Building Permit may be occupied or used for its authorized purpose. The Town also uses the Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy approval procedure as a final check that the completed structure and associated development complies with the UDO and all other applicable Town regulations and requirements before it may be occupied or otherwise used. See Section 2.5.14 in the UDO for related application procedures.
Things to Know ▪
No Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy can be issued for associated structures, and no performance guarantee for the stormwater management facilities and practices may be released, until Engineering staff has conducted a final inspection for the stormwater management facilities/practices and approved as-built plans of them. ▪ If any required plantings have not yet been installed, the applicant must obtain Planning staff approval of a performance guarantee ensuring such installation before the Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy may be issued. ▪ All temporary erosion control measures and tree protection fencing shall be removed prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Compliance/Occupancy. ▪ Town staff must approve any deviations from the approved plans, such as changes in the field. Failure to receive approval may delay the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy.
Sign Permit
A Sign Permit is required before any sign may be erected, installed, constructed, altered, or moved unless exempt from sign regulations in the UDO.
Something to Know A Sign Permit expires if the approved signage is not erected, installed, constructed, altered, or moved within six months after the date the permit is issued.
Some signs may also require a separate building permit.
See Section 2.5.12 in the UDO for specific application procedures. 2.4. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES
Something to Know Upon approval of an application for a project located outside of the Town corporate limits, an annexation must be submitted prior to submitting any additional applications.
• Annexation is the process by which the Town extends its corporate boundaries. State law sets out separate procedures and criteria for annexations initiated by a municipality and annexation initiated by a petition by the owner(s) of land proposed for annexation. The Voluntary Annexation procedure in the Administrative Manual pertains only to annexation by petition, or voluntary annexations.
Morrisville, NC
July 2023 Page 2-8
Administrative Manual
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