Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.4 Additional Application Procedures
Voluntary Annexation Procedure
• The owner(s) of the area proposed for annexation submits a signed petition requesting annexation to the Town Council. The owner(s) must record a boundary survey prior to annexation. • The Town Council directs the Town Clerk to check the sufficiency of the petition and schedules a hearing on the petition. • If the petition is sufficient, the Town Clerk certifies the petition as such and submits it to Planning staff, who distributes it to all appropriate Town staff for review and comment. • Planning staff prepares a staff report that addresses whether the petition meets statutory requirements. • Planning staff has notice of the petition and hearing published in a local newspaper at least 10 days before the hearing.
Application Submittal
Initial Staff Review and Comments
Application Revisions
Follow-Up Staff Review
Town Council Review and Decision with standard public hearing
• The Town Council holds a hearing to receive comments from interested parties, discusses the petition and staff report, and adopts an ordinance annexing the area or a resolution declining to annex the area. • The basis for the Town Council’s decision is whether the petition meets the requirements of state law. Those include requirements that the area proposed for annexation be contiguous to current corporate boundaries or if it is not contiguous, that it be no more than three miles from the Town’s primary corporate limits and be located so the Town can provide it the same services as provided within the primary corporate limits. • Once annexed, the area and its owners and occupants are subject to the same debts, laws, ordinances, and regulations — and entitled to the same privileges and benefits — as other parts of the town.
Bulletin Drawing
Things to Know ▪ This process is for minor deviations only. ▪ The Town can require an applicant to submit an application for a Minor Modification to approved Construction Plan.
• All development is required to be constructed in accordance with an approved Plan. Minor deviations, such as changes in the field, must be reviewed and approved by the Town through the submittal of a detailed bulletin drawing and corresponding reports and/or calculations. Bulletin Drawing Approval Procedure
Bulletin Drawing
• A licensed professional such as a Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect registered in the state of North Carolina submits a Bulletin Drawing application. • Engineering staff distributes the application to all appropriate Town staff and outside agencies for initial review and comment. • Engineering staff notifies the applicant of any compliance deficiencies identified by the initial staff review and invites the applicant to discuss them with staff and revise the applications as necessary to address them. • If the applicant submits a revised application, planning staff forwards it to appropriate Town staff and/or outside agencies for follow-up review and comments.
Application Submittal
Initial Staff Review and Comments
Application Revisions
Follow-Up Staff Review
Staff Decision
• Based on final staff review comments, Engineering staff decides to approve the applications, approve with conditions, or deny them.
Morrisville, NC
July 2023 Page 2-9
Administrative Manual
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