Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.10 Transportation Impact Analysis
4.10 Transportation Impact Analysis
4.10.1 Content of the Analysis
A. General Requirements The analysis shall:
a. Be sealed and dated by the Professional Engineer and include the information outlined in this subsection 4 as well as an executive summary; and b. Include a table of contents and clearly labeled maps, tables, and figures presented in a legible scale.
B. Site Location, Access, and Background Information
This section of the analysis shall include:
a. A description of the existing land use(s), site, and analysis study area boundary;
b. A vicinity map that includes the existing and approved uses/developments in the vicinity of the proposed development;
c. A description of the uses in the proposed development;
d. A site plan for the proposed development, if applicable;
e. A figure showing the existing lane geometry of study intersections, including current approach and departure laneage at each intersection, distances between intersections, speed limits, traffic control, and length of the full width storage for exclusive turn lanes, lane additions, or lane merges; f. A figure showing traffic accident counts as recorded by the NC Highway Patrol and other local law enforcement agencies, if available;
g. Figure showing average annual daily traffic volume (AADT), if available;
h. Bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure within ½ mile of the proposed development; and
i. Public transportation facilities within one mile of the proposed development.
C. Existing Analysis
This section of the analysis shall include:
a. A figure showing existing AM and PM turning movement volumes; and
b. A table showing existing level of service (LOS) results, which includes overall LOS indicated for signalized intersections and worst movement/approach for unsignalized intersections.
D. Future No-Build Analysis
This section of the analysis shall include:
a. A figure showing no-build AM and PM turning movement volumes; and
b. A table showing no-build LOS results, which includes overall LOS indicated for signalized intersections and worst movement/approach for unsignalized intersections.
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 97
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