Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.10 Transportation Impact Analysis
E. Trip Generation This section of the analysis shall include a table showing trip generation rates that include:
a. Land use and size (e.g. square footage, number of rooms, number of employees);
b. ITE Code with resulting volumes using most recent NCDOT guidance; c. AM and PM peak entering and exiting volumes;
d. AM and PM non-traditional peak entering and exiting volumes, if applicable;
e. Internal Capture, if applicable; and f. Pass-by trips, if applicable.
F. Trip Distribution and Assignment
This section of the analysis shall include:
a. A figure showing the directional distribution percentages; and
b. A figure showing the site generated trip assignment.
G. Future Build Analysis This section of the analysis shall include:
a. A figure showing the build AM and PM turning movement volumes; and b. A table showing the build LOS results, which includes overall LOS indicated for signalized intersections and worst movement/approach for unsignalized intersections.
H. Future Build Improved Analysis
This section of the analysis shall include: a. A figure showing build improved AM and PM turning volumes;
b. A figure showing proposed mitigation(s); and
c. A table showing build improved LOS results, which includes overall LOS indicated for signalized intersections and worst movement/approach for unsignalized intersections. Supplemental Analysis This section of the analysis shall include any safety, signal warrant, queue, or other analyses identified as required in the MOU. J. Summary of Findings and Identified Improvements This section of the analysis shall include the findings and identified improvements to mitigate the impact of the development on the transportation network. See Section 5.8.6.A.4 of the Unified Development Ordinance. This section shall include a table of the LOS comparisons of all scenarios, which includes the overall LOS and delay for intersections and the LOS and delay for each approach of an intersection. This section shall also include a figure showing the roadway lane configurations for existing and identified improvements. K. Appendices I.
A separate appendix for each of the following shall be included (if applicable) in the report.
a. Traffic count data;
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
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