Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 4. Appendices 4.10.2 Analysis Standards

b. Trip generation calculations;

c. Intersection capacity analysis, including the associated Synchro output;

d. Any other additional documents or analyses required per the MOU;


Signal plans, including timing plans;

f. A figure showing the approved development trips; and

g. Any future volume calculations.


Analysis Standards

A. Analysis Period

The analysis shall examine future traffic conditions one year after the proposed development is scheduled to be completed (build +1).

B. Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate used for the analysis shall be 2%, unless otherwise agreed upon by the applicant, staff and the third-party reviewer.

B. Analysis Software

The study shall be performed using the operational analysis of the latest Highway Capacity Manual and the preferred software listed in the Table 4.10.2.B, Preferred Software. Other software packages such as Synchro are preferred for coordinated signal systems and may be required for supplemental analysis.

Table 4.10.2.B Preferred Software [1]

Items for Analysis

Software [2]

Multiple Intersections

Synchro Synchro

Isolated Signalized Intersections Isolated Unsignalized Intersections

Synchro, HCS





Roadway Segment


Merge, Diverge, and Weave


[1] Use of alternate analysis software must be approved by the Town of Morrisville; however, the above software is not specifically endorsed by the Town of Morrisville. [2] Version of software currently in use by NCDOT

C. Analysis Study Area Boundary

1. The analysis study area shall at a minimum include any roadways and intersections within one-half mile of the proposed development.

2. The Planning Director may

a. waive the need to study roadways or intersections that are determined not to be significantly affected by the proposed development, as long as all key intersections within the study area are studied.

Morrisville, NC

August 7, 2023

Administrative Manual

Page 99

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