Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 4. Appendices 4.10.2 Analysis Standards

D. Analysis Scenarios

The analysis shall have a timeframe adequate to address all phases of the proposed development. Intersections shall be analyzed using the four scenarios in Table 4.10.2.D: Analysis Scenario Requirements, and shall include queue analysis:

Table 4.10.2.D: Analysis Scenario Requirements

Type of Scenario [1]

Annual Growth [2]

Approved Developments

Proposed Development

Necessary Improvements


Existing No-Build






Build Improved [3]


Notes: [1] For a phased proposed development analysis, the build and build improved conditions shall be assessed, and the traffic associated with each previous phase shall be included in the analysis of each successive phase of the proposed development. [2] The Annual Growth rate shall be 2%, unless otherwise noted in MOU. [3] This scenario may be eliminated if improvements are not necessary to satisfy any queuing problems or the LOS criteria in Section 5.8.6.A.4 of the UDO.

E. Traffic Counts Traffic counts shall reflect normal and/or peak hour traffic conditions, as determined by the Planning Director.

1. Traffic counts used for analysis shall be collected:

a. Within the twelve months prior to the date of the TIA submittal; b. On Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursdays, unless a different time period is approved;

c. On other peak periods such as noon or weekend periods, if required; and

d. When school is in session. If not practicable, the Planning Director can approve the use of school traffic estimates. 2. Traffic counts used for analysis should not be collected:

a. On holidays; and

b. When significant weather or traffic incidents occur.

F. Trip Generation Standards

Trip generation data for each proposed development shall be based upon the ITE Trip Generation Manual, most recent edition, or another source of trip generation approved by the Planning Director. In addition to this requirement, the following standards shall apply: 1. Internal Capture a. The internal capture calculation shall utilize the percentages from the most recent edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, or the most recent guidance from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), to estimate the internal capture reduction percentage;

Morrisville, NC

August 7, 2023

Administrative Manual

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