Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations


C ONGREGATE L IVING F ACILITY A facility that provides housing, shared dining and recreational opportunities, limited medical care, personal services, and significant social facilities to meet the needs of the residents. The use may include facilities for elderly, their spouses, and surviving spouses, as well as facilities for persons who are developmentally disabled or orphaned. For purposes of calculating residential density, each bedroom shall be considered the equivalent of .25 dwelling unit. C ONSTRUCTION The erection of any building or structure or any preparations (including land disturbing activities) for the same.


C ONSTRUCTION T RAILER A manufactured structure temporarily placed on or adjoining the site of new construction and used during the construction process as an office for construction management and site security. C ONSTRUCTION -R ELATED A CTIVITIES Activities related to the building industry, such as storage of construction equipment and materials, bulk material storage, such as bricks, pavers, stone, and mulch, and retail sales of associated merchandise, provided the principal commodity sold is a construction-related material.

C ONTRACTORS /C ONSTRUCTION S IGN See Sign, Contractors/Construction.

C ONTINUING C ARE R ETIREMENT C OMMUNITY An integrated development that offers senior citizens a full continuum of housing options and assistance, ranging from fully independent dwelling units, to assistance with personal care in assisted living facilities, to long-term skilled nursing care in a nursing home facility. C ONVENIENCE S TORE A retail establishment that offers for sale, primarily, the following types of articles: bottled drinks, candy, canned foods, bread, milk, cheese, tobacco products, beer, wine, papers and magazines, and general hardware articles. Fast food may be offered as a secondary activity of the convenience store. A convenience store use is frequently combined with an automobile service station use and sometimes a restaurant or specialty eating establishment. C ORNICE The uppermost horizontal molded projection or other uppermost horizontal element located at the top of a building or a portion of a building. C ORPORATE L IMITS The boundaries of the Town, established and amended from time to time in accordance with Articles 4 and 4A of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes.

June 23, 2017

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-28

Unified Development Ordinance

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