Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

D RIVE A ISLE An area within an off-street parking facilities that provides one- or two-way movement and maneuvering between rows of parking stalls. D RIVE -T HROUGH S ERVICE F ACILITY A facility used to provide products or services to customers who remain in their vehicles, whether through a window or door in a building, a machine in a building or detached structure (e.g., ATM), or via a mechanical device (e.g., a pneumatic tube system). In addition to the pick-up window or door, drive- through service facilities also may include remote menu boards and ordering stations. Use types that commonly have drive-through service include banks, restaurants, specialty eating or drinking establishments, and drug stores. D RIVEWAY An accessway that functions solely to provide direct and immediate vehicular access between a street and the principal origin and destination points within an abutting development, or part of a large development. It generally handles low vehicular travel speeds and traffic volumes, though may also handle moderate to high traffic volumes within large commercial and mixed-use developments. D WELLING A building, part of a building, or combination of buildings located on a single lot or development site (in the case of single-family attached dwellings) and used or designed to be used primarily as living quarters for one or more families. D WELLING U NIT A room or combination of connected rooms within a dwelling that constitutes a single and separate habitable unit that contains independent living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation facilities, and that is used or designed to be used for occupancy on a monthly or longer basis by a single family. D WELLING , D UPLEX A single detached dwelling on a lot that contains two dwelling units. The units may be located side by side in a horizontal configuration or stacked one above the other in a vertical configuration, sharing common vertical walls or horizontal floors and ceilings. D WELLING , L IVE /W ORK A structure or portion of a structure combining a residential dwelling unit for one or more persons with an integrated work space principally used by one or more of the dwelling unit residents. D WELLING , M ANUFACTURED H OME A factory-built structure, transportable in one or more sections, that is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems contained therein. This includes any structure with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and complies with the standards established under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. ยง 5401 et seq.), as amended. This does not include travel trailers or recreation vehicles. D UMPSTER A container used for the temporary storage of waste.

June 23, 2017

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-32

Unified Development Ordinance

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