Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(C) Nameplate signage shall be provided, in an easily visible location, including the address and telephone number of the contact to reach in the event of an emergency or equipment malfunction, including property manager signs as applicable.
(10) Lighting
Lighting on towers shall not exceed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) minimum standards. Any lighting required by the FAA must be of the minimum intensity and number of flashes per minute (i.e., the longest duration between flashes) allowable by the FAA. Strobe light standards are prohibited unless required by the FAA. The lights shall be oriented so as not to project directly onto surrounding property, consistent with FAA requirements.
(11) Location
In residential zoning districts, new towers shall only be permitted on lots whose principal use is not single-family residential, including schools, churches, places of worship, synagogues, fire stations, or parks.
(12) Visibility
New concealed towers shall be subject to the following requirements:
(A) New concealed towers shall be configured and located in a manner that minimizes adverse effects including visual impacts on the landscape and adjacent properties. (B) New concealed towers shall be designed to match adjacent structures and landscapes with specific design considerations such as architectural designs, height, mass, scale, color, and texture. (A) A balloon test shall be required subsequent to the receipt of the photo simulations in order to demonstrate the proposed height of the tower. The applicant shall arrange to raise a colored balloon no less than three feet in diameter at the maximum height of the proposed tower, and within 50 horizontal feet of the center of the proposed tower. (i) Inform the Planning Department and all property owners within 500 feet in writing of the date and times, including alternative date and times, of the test at least 14 days in advance. The letter shall include an alternative date if inclement weather occurs. (ii) The balloon shall be flown for at least four (4) consecutive hours during daylight hours on the date chosen. The applicant shall record the weather during the balloon test. (B) The applicant shall comply with the following balloon test requirements:
(13) Balloon Test
(14) Site Grading
Grading shall be minimized and limited to the development area necessary for the new tower, equipment compound, and any applicable access drive.
(15) Landscape Buffers
Landscaping shall be provided within a minimum 10 foot wide buffer around the perimeter of the equipment compound. The following planting standards shall apply:
(A) All plants and trees shall be indigenous to this part of North Carolina.
(B) Existing trees and shrubs on the site should be preserved and may be used in lieu of required landscaping as approved by the Planning Department.
Morrisville, NC
April 23, 2019
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-21
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