Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(C) One continuous row of evergreen trees surrounding the compound area, excluding the entry gate. The evergreen trees shall be a minimum 2.5 inch caliper, and 10 feet in height at the time of planting, and spaced 25 feet on center. (D) One continuous row of evergreen shrubs capable of creating a continuous hedge surrounding the compound area, excluding the entry gate. The evergreen shrubs shall be a minimum 3 gallon or 24 inches tall at the time of planting, and spaced 5 feet on center. (E) Alternative landscaping plans may be considered and approved by the Planning Department, provided the proposed alternative proposes an equivalent opacity and density of landscape screening as provided above, and is otherwise consistent with the requirements of this section. (F) Generators within the compound area shall be screened with an opaque row of evergreen landscaping planted outside the compound area to screen the generator from the view from nearby streets, sidewalks, greenways and residential areas. The evergreen landscaping shall screen both the height and width of the generator. Existing vegetation may be used to satisfy the generator screening requirement. DAS Nodes may be mounted onto a building, support structure, utility distribution pole, transmission tower structure or other similar structure, which is not primarily constructed for holding antennas but on which one or more antennas may be mounted. DAS Nodes shall be subject to the following: (1) The top of the DAS Node antennas shall not exceed 10 feet above the building roofline, above the top of the support structure, utility distribution pole or transmission tower structure or other similar structure. (2) The applicant shall provide documentation verifying that the installation of the DAS Node equipment will not compromise the structural integrity of the building, support structure, utility distribution pole, transmission tower or other similar structure. (3) If DAS Node equipment is installed on a utility distribution pole or transmission tower, the applicant shall provide documentation verifying that the DAS Node equipment will not interfere, or be interfered with, by the normal operating characteristics of the utility distribution pole or transmission tower. (4) DAS Node antenna shall only be permitted atop existing utility distribution pole or transmission tower and existing light stanchions subject to compliance with this ordinance and with approval by the Town and applicable utility company. (5) If a DAS Node includes a DAS System (meaning a DAS Wired Hub adjacent to the DAS Node) and the DAS Wired Hub compound area is located on the roof of a building, the compound area shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the roof area, and shall comply with all current NC Building Code requirements for the proposed or existing building. (6) DAS Node equipment cabinets and shelters shall be located or screened to minimize the visual impact of the DAS Node equipment cabinets upon adjacent properties and shall be of a material and color that matches the exterior of the building or structure upon which it is situated. DAS Node equipment cabinets and shelters shall be located in a manner so as to not create any pedestrian or vehicular impediments or hazards.
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
f. Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Nodes
(7) Commercial advertising shall not be allowed on a DAS Node.
April 23, 2019 Morrisville, NC Page 4-22 Unified Development Ordinance
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