Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021.1
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
T EMPORARY U SE A use established for a temporary period of time with the intent to discontinue such use on the expiration of the time period.
T EXT A MENDMENT See Section 2.5.2.
T HOROUGHFARE A thoroughfare shall mean and include all streets on the adopted thoroughfare plan. “Thoroughfare” is also synonym ous with the term “Arterial” as used in ASHTO and NCDOT publications. T HROUGH L OT A continuous (through) lot accessible from both of the parallel streets upon which it fronts. (Also referred to as a double-frontage lot.)
T ILT - UP C ONCRETE Concrete that has been cast on the site of installation and raised into place.
T INTED /T EXTURED C ONCRETE M ASONRY U NIT (CMU) A manufactured building unit constructed of concrete.
T IRE C APPING AND R ETREADING Any business where tires are collected, stored, or maintained for the purpose of capping or retreading.
T OWN Town of Morrisville, North Carolina.
T OWN C LERK The Town Clerk of the Town of Morrisville.
T OWN C OUNCIL The elected legislative governing body of the Town of Morrisville.
T OWN E NGINEER See Section 2.2.1.B.
T RADITIONAL S TUCCO Siding material made of Portland cement, sand, lime and water, and applied in three coats with a total thickness of ¾ of an inch or more over a with metal lath backing.
T RAFFIC S IGN See Sign, Traffic.
T RANSIT S TATION Any structure or transit facility that is primarily used as part of a transit system for the purpose of loading, unloading, or transferring of passengers or accommodating the movement of passengers from one mode of transportation to another.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-84
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