Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021.1
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
T RANSIT S TOP Improvements and facilities at selected points along transit routes for passenger pickup, drop off, and waiting. Facilities and improvements may include shelters, benches, signs with or without electronic messaging, structures, and other improvements to provide security, protection from the weather, and access to nearby services. T RANSPORTATION D EMAND M ANAGEMENT (TDM) A strategy for reducing demand on the street system by reducing the number of vehicles using the streets and/or increasing the number of persons per vehicle. TDM attempts to reduce the number of persons who drive alone on the roadway during the commute period and to increase the number in carpools, vanpools, buses, and trains, or walking and biking. T RANSPORTATION I MPACT A NALYSIS (TIA) An analysis conducted by a qualified professional assessing the impacts of a development application proposal on the transportation network, including adjacent streets, nearby intersections, public transportation, bicycling, and walking modes of travel. (See Section 5.8.6.B, Transportation Impact Analysis.) T REE A plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. T REE C ANOPY The layer of leaves, branches, and stems of trees that cover the ground when viewed from above (excluding small openings in the tree crown). Such area may also be defined as the area within the drip line of a tree or group of trees.
T REE C ANOPY C OVER The proportion of a given area of land (and water) covered by tree canopy.
T REE C ROWN The branches, twigs, and leaves that make up the foliage portion of a tree.
T REE P IT A pit within a sidewalk, courtyard, or other paved area that is sized and filled with planting soil to a sufficient depth to accommodate the root ball of a tree. Tree pits may uncovered or covered with grating or other permeable material that allows the in filtration of water to the tree’s roots. T REE P ROTECTION A REA An area composed of closely grouped healthy trees designated for preservation and protection, delineated by both the critical root zone and drip line. T REE P ROTECTION P LAN A plan prepared by an ISA-certified arborist, registered landscape architect, or a registered forester that is intended to provide accurate information regarding the condition, welfare, maintenance, and value of existing trees.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-85
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