Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures 4.3.5. Accessory Use-Specific Standards
e. Anti-graffiti coating (non-sacrificial) is required.
UV ray resistant paint is required.
g. All surfaces must be power washed and primed (two coats) prior to mural installation.
h. If for any reason the mural is removed, altered, or destroyed, the property owner is responsible for restoring the surface the mural is painted or mounted on to the original condition. i. If a mural is constructed off-site on moveable panels to be installed on a façade, the attachment of said panel must comply with the NC Building Codes, subject to required permits and inspections, panels, must not cover window or door openings or otherwise impede building egress or pedestrian traffic or block/cover any intake or exhaust openings (maintaining proper clearance), the attached devices must not compromise the structure integrity of the surface to which the panels are attached, and said panels must be securely attached to prevent failure due to high wind conditions, vandalism or age.
(1) All installation hardware must be rust resistant
(2) Wooden panels must be sanded, sealed and water proofed (with proper primer and top coat) on the front, sides and back. j. All proposed murals must be completed by artists, having completed works of comparable scale.
19. Outdoor Display of Merchandise Outdoor display of merchandise is only allowed as an accessory use to any retail sales and service use or wholesale establishment use that is conducted within a building located on the same lot, subject to the following standards:
a. Merchandise displayed shall be limited to that sold or rented by the principal use of the lot.
b. All outdoor display of goods shall be located immediately adjacent to the front or side of the principal building, and not in drive aisles, loading zones, fire lanes, or off-street parking spaces. c. Outdoor display areas along the front or side of a principal building shall be limited to no more than one-half of the length of the building’s front or side, as appropriate. d. Outdoor display areas shall be located to maintain a clearance area in front of primary building entrances for at least ten feet directly outward from the entrance width. e. An obstruction-free area at least five feet wide shall be maintained through the entire length of the display area or between it and adjacent parking areas so as to allow pedestrians and handicapped persons to safely and conveniently travel between parking areas or drive aisles to the building and along the front and side of the building, without having to detour around the display area. Outdoor seating is only allowed as an accessory use to any eating or drinking establishment, subject to the following standards: a. No sound production or reproduction machine or device (including, but not limited to musical instruments, loud-speakers, and sound amplifiers) shall be used, operated, or played in the outdoor seating area at a volume that is any louder than necessary for the convenient hearing of persons within the outdoor seating area, and that would disturb the peace, quiet, or comfort of adjoining properties.
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015)
20. Outdoor Seating
Morrisville, NC
October 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-44
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