Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
P EAK H OUR The hour (four consecutive 15-minute periods) of the day that observes the largest utilization of capacity, or the hour of the day in which the largest number of vehicles use the intersection approach or lane of interest. P EAK H OUR F ACTOR (PHF) The ratio of the total volume in four consecutive 15-minute intervals (hourly volume) divided by four times the volume in the highest 15-minute interval. This relationship gives information relating to the peaking and arrival characteristics. P EDESTRIAN C LEAR Z ONE A zone in the public right-of-way that is hardscaped and unobstructed by any permanent or nonpermanent object for a minimum width of eight feet and a minimum height of eight feet. P ERENNIAL STREAM A well-defined channel that contains water year round during a year of normal rainfall with the aquatic bed located below the water table for most of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of water for a perennial stream, but it also carries stormwater runoff. A perennial stream exhibits the typical biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous conveyance of water. P ERENNIAL W ATER B ODY A natural or man-made basin, including lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, that stores surface water permanently at depths sufficient to preclude growth of rooted plants. For the purpose of the State’s riparian buffer protection program, the water body must be part of a natural drainage way (i.e., connected by surface flow to a stream). P ERFORMANCE G UARANTEE Cash or other surety provided by an applicant in lieu of completing the construction or installation of public infrastructure or required private site features before application for Final Plat Approval for a Type 1 or Type 2 Subdivision, recordation of a plat for a Type 2 Subdivision, issuance of a Building Permit, or other development approval. P ERIMETER B UFFER A landscaped area of varying width (depending on the use and surrounding uses) located along that part of the perimeter of a development site between the development and adjoining property. P ERSON For purposes of enforcing this Ordinance in accordance with Article 10: Enforcement , “person’ includes any individual, corporation, government agency, government official, business trust, partnership, two or more persons having a joint interest, or any other legal entity. Persons subject the remedies and penalties established in Article 10: Enforcement, for violating this Ordinance shall include: an architect, engineer, builder, contractor, developer, agency, or any other person who participates in, assists, directs, creates, causes, or maintains a condition resulting in or constituting a violation of this Ordinance; or an owner, any tenant or occupant, or any other person who has control over, or responsibility for, the use or development of the land on w hich the violation occurs. For all other purposes, “person” means any individual, corporation, government agency, government official, business trust, partnership, two or more persons having a joint interest, or any other legal entity.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-60
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