Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs

P ILASTER A rectangular column with a capital and base that is attached or affixed to a wall as an ornamental design feature. P LACE OF W ORSHIP , C OMMUNITY OR N EIGHBORHOOD A structure, together with its accessory buildings and uses, where people regularly assemble to conduct religious worship, ceremonies, rituals, and related education. The structure and its accessory buildings and uses are maintained and controlled by a religious body. Places of worship include chapels, churches, mosques, shrines, synagogues, tabernacles, temples, and other similar religious places of assembly. Accessory uses may include administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, cooking and eating facilities and dwelling units housing up to two faith leaders. A place of worship may be combined with other uses that generally exist as principal uses — e.g., day care center, school, cemetery, or private recreational/entertainment facility. Such uses are treated as principal uses and subject to the standards and limitations applicable to such uses, and are included in the total gross floor area if located on the same lot.. A community place of worship is a place of worship where the total gross floor area exceeds 8,000 square feet. A neighborhood place of worship is a place of worship where the total gross floor area is no more than 8,000 square feet.

P LACE S IGN See Sign, Place.

P LANNED U NIT D EVELOPMENT A tract of land under individual, corporate, firm, partnership, or association ownership, or under common control evidenced by duly recorded contracts or agreements, planned and developed as an integral unit in a single development operation or in a definitely programmed series of development operations in accordance with a master land use plan and detailed engineering and architectural plans.


P LANNING D IRECTOR The Director of the Morrisville, North Carolina Planning Department. See Section 2.2.1.A.

P LAT A map or plan of a parcel of land which is to be, or which has been, subdivided.

P OCKET N EIGHBORHOOD A cohesive development of at least four single-family detached dwellings located around a common open space and served by either on-street, on-site, or shared off-street parking. Each home fronts the common open space, and is configured with a front porch and windows on the front facade. P ODIUM P ARKING Parking garage that is completely enclosed at the ground level of a b uilding, beneath the building’s occupied levels. Podium parking is generally designed with an open floor plan and a single access point to serve multiple users.

P OLITICAL S IGN See Sign, Political.

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-61

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