Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
7.0 A ction I tems , cont ’ d
Action Items 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035 Goal 5: Foster a collaborative environment internally and with relevant local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop new opportunities for
Morrisville’s residents and business community. 5.1 Institute a Schedule for Regular Updates to the Future Land Use Map and Plan and the Transportation Maps and Plan. The comprehensive land use and transportation plans will rapidly go out- of-date and will need regular updating. Related Policies: None. Estimated Cost: 40 hours of staff time annually after 2009 Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department Year One Goals/Activities : Complete the review of the existing land use and transportation maps, and revise, as needed, every year following adoption (starting in 2010). Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Complete a major update every fifth year. Performance Measures: (1) Completion of annual updates; and (2) complete major update every fifth year 5.2 Establish Performance Measures to Track
Related Policies: 5E, 5F Estimated Cost: 40 hours of staff time annually Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Implementation of the Land Use and Transportation Plans. The implementation items herein are provided with discrete performance measures. The Planning Department will report on the progress of the Action Items annually.
Year One Goals/Activities : Establish reporting template and complete first annual report Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Complete assessment and report to Morrisville Boards, annually Performance Measures: (1) Complete annual assessments and report to Morrisville Boards; (2) use feedback to adjust performance measures in annual update of the Land Use and Transportation Plans; and (3) include record of each annual report/feedback session in appendix of both Plans
5.3 Develop a Hazardous Waste Transport Safety Plan. The Town should work with the NCRR and Norfolk Southern Railroad Companies to develop a hazardous waste transport safety plan that recognizes the danger in having hazardous waste shipments in close proximity to growing residential populations. Details of what should be included in the plan are described in Figure 5.14.
Related Policies: 5B, 5C Estimated Cost: 80 hours of staff time + $25,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with NCRR and Norfolk Southern Railroad Company
Year One Goals/Activities : Initiate series of meetings with NCRR and Norfolk Southern to outline and agree upon the contents of the plan. Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Implement plan, which will include ongoing communication and review of procedures. Performance Measures: Concrete safety and coordination procedures in place by 2013 5.4 Confirm with Wake County the Timing and Process for Development Proposed for Areas within Morrisville’s Short Range Urban Services Area Related Policies: 5A, 5C, 5D Estimated Cost: 80 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with Wake County
(SRUSA). Explore the possibility of the Town annexing these areas prior to development proposals. See Figure 1.1 for the location of SRUSA areas. The reconnection of Kit Creek Road and extension of Louis Stephens Road will change the development dynamic in these areas.
Year One Goals/Activities : Coordinate with Wake County to confirm the process and timing for development in these areas Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Submit an ETJ Extension Request to Wake County Performance Measures: Complete extension request by 2012
7 Action Items
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