Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
Append i ce s
A ppendix A. G lossary of T erms and A cronyms ............................................. A-1 Alphabetical list of some of the terminology used in the Land Use and Transpor- tation Plans, for the easy reference of the reader. Some graphic and photo ex- amples. A ppendix B. R eferences and R esources ........................................................... B-1 List of plans consulted in the planning process, and an extensive list of websites that may be of interest to readers, including neighboring jurisdictions, transit ser- vices, local points of interest, and state and national agencies. A ppendix C. H ow T hese P lans W ere C reated . .................................................C-1 Public Involvement Methods...................................................................................................C-1 Includes brief summaries of the three public workshops, three focus groups, and seven Plan Advisory Committee meetings. Also includes documentation of how town staff and consultants reached out to contact the citizens of Mor- risville, through postcards, flyers and the plan updates website. Public Survey Instrument.......................................................................................................... C-3 A copy of the survey itself, which was distributed by paper and the internet from January through March 2008. Summary of Public Survey Results.........................................................................................C-5 Selected results of the survey are depicted graphically and summarized. Public Comment Themes.......................................................................................................... C-7 Table summarizing some of the common themes in the comments of the pub- lic, via workshops, focus groups, surveys, and Plan Advisory Committee meet- ings. Describes how each theme was addressed in the Plans. Coordination With Regional Partner Organizations.........................................................C-9 List of other jurisdictions and regional partner organizations that were con- sulted and coordinated with during the development of the Plans. Describes the nature of the input from each organization and if changes were made in the Plans directly as a result. A ppendix D. S ummary of P olicy F ramework and P olicy A udit . ........................D-1 The Policy Audit and Policy Framework are two separate documents created by the consultants during the planning process, describing the current policies in Morrisville and how they affect land use and transportation. This appendix briefly summarizes the content of those documents; the full versions are available by contacting the Town of Morrisville Planning Department (see below). A ppendix E. R oadway I nventory .................................................................... E-1 Provides additional detail on specific roadways and intersections within Morris- ville. For each major street, a page is provided that describes the current condi- tions and proposed cross-section of the roadway. A ppendix F. I ntersection S tudies .................................................................... F-1 A ppendix G. C rabtree C rossing P arkway E xtension ....................................... G-1 Additional information about this proposed extension, which was included on the 2002 Transportation Plan, and why it was removed. A ppendix H. F ixed R oute T ransit C ase S tudy ..................................................H-1 Describes the overall feasibility and costs associated for Morrisville to initiate its own public transit (bus) service. Looking for more information? These appendices are included to provide additional information that might be helpful to the reader, can offer more detail on public input into the planning process, and further illustrates the results included in the Plan itself. In the interest of keeping this document a reasonable length, not all materials are included here. If you are interested, please contactTown of Mor- risville Planning staff (919-463-6194) to receive a CD-ROM with the following additional files: • Summaries of all three PublicWorkshops, including all public comments received and results of group exercises • Minutes of all Plan Advisory Committee meetings • Complete results of the public survey (the survey document itself and selected results appear in Appendix C) • Policy Audit (described in Appendix D) • Policy Framework (described in Appendix D) Engineering drawings showing proposed changes to five key intersections.
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