Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

B UNGALOW C OURT A series of two or more single-family detached homes configured as a cohesive development that incorporates smaller lot sizes, reduced setbacks, shared accessways, and where each home complies with the Town’s residential design guidelines. B US S TATION A place where the transfer of people between buses and other vehicular modes of transportation takes place. C ALIPER Diameter measurement of a tree-trunk taken at six inches above ground level for trees up to and including four inches in caliper. For trees larger greater than four inches in caliper, measurement of caliper shall be taken at 12 inches above ground level. C ANDELA A measure of luminosity or light intensity in a certain direction. Useful in determining how much light is shining out of a fixture and in what direction. C ANOPY , N ONRESIDENTIAL An accessory structure to a nonresidential principal use such as an automobile service station or hotel/motel that consists of a rigid horizontal roof-like structure supported by an attached building or columns or posts, is largely open along its sides, and is intended to provide shelter to people or automobiles. C AR W ASH /D ETAILING An establishment providing the exterior washing of vehicles where vehicles are manually driven or pulled by a conveyor through a system of rollers and/or brushes. Interior cleaning and/or drying may be conducted manually by vehicle operator or on-site attendants. Interior cleaning and/or drying may be conducted manually by the vehicle operator or on-site attendants. (Also see the definition of “Mobile Auto Detailing.”) C EMETERY A placed used for internment of human or animal remains or cremated remains, including a burial park for earth internments, a mausoleum for vault or crypt internments, a columbarium for cinerary internments, or a combination thereof. C ENTRAL U TILITY P LANT A facility that produces electricity, heat, cooling, steam, compressed air, natural gas, and other similar resources for a hospital, college, or university. C ERTIFICATE OF C OMPLIANCE /O CCUPANCY A certificate issued by a building official representing a determination that work done on a building or development project has been completed in compliance with all applicable State and local laws and with the terms of building permits and may be occupied safely. C ARPORT See Garage or Carport.

Morrisville, NC

June 23, 2017

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-25

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