Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

C HANGE I N U SE A change in the principal use of a structure or land, or a portion thereof, including a new, different, or additional principal use listed in Table 4.2.4: Principal Use Table. For multi-tenant structures a change in use does not occur unless either (a) a Major Site Plan Approval, a Special Use Permit Approval or a Conditional Rezoning Approval is required for a use or (b) one principal use occupies more than 50% of the total approved square footage—e.g., a place of worship is proposed to take more than 50% of a structure approved as a shopping center, or eating and drinking establishments are proposed to take more than 50% of a structure approved as major flex space.

C HANGEABLE C OPY S IGN See Sign, Changeable Copy.

C HANNEL A natural water-carrying trough cut vertically into low areas of the land surface by erosive action of concentrated flowing water or a ditch or canal excavated for the flow of water. C HEMICAL C ONDITIONS H YDROLOGY The flood discharges associated with the land-use conditions existing within the drainage area of a watercourse at the time a flood study of the watercourse was conducted. Current conditions flood discharges and historical flood study information is published in the Flood Insurance Study. C HIMNEY A vertical structure attached to a building that contains a flue for drawing off smoke from a furnace, water heater, or fireplace C LOTHESLINE A cord, rope, or wire stretched between two points above ground level on which clothes are hung to dry or air. C LUB OR L ODGE An organization and its premises catering exclusively to members and guests for social, intellectual, recreational, or athletic purposes not intended for profit. C LUSTER B OX U NIT A centralized grouping of individually locked and keyed mailboxes meeting the specifications of the United States Postal Service. C OLLECTOR S TREET An accessway that primarily functions both to provide direct vehicular access to and from abutting development, particularly in commercial and industrial areas, and to provide travel mobility among neighborhoods and activity centers by connecting local streets and other collector streets with thoroughfares. It generally handles relatively moderate travel speeds and traffic volumes over moderately average trip lengths. C OLLEGE OR U NIVERSITY A post-secondary institution for higher learning that grants associate, bachelor, or higher degrees. This use also includes community colleges that grant associate or bachelor degrees or may offer certificate courses in business and technical fields, but does not include business or vocational schools. C ODE OF O RDINANCES The Morrisville, North Carolina Code of Ordinances.

June 23, 2017

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-26

Unified Development Ordinance

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